
Here are names of some who have kindly supported

Simon Bean

Peter & Margaret Colby

Les Dawes

Fosters Solicitors LLP

Hansells Solicitors & Financial Advisers

Hemstock’s Jewellers

The John Jarrold Trust

Chris & Judith Lawrence

The Madeline Storey Trust

Rotary Club of Wymondham

The Musicians’ Company

Orchard Toys

The Regal Experience

Tim & Ruth Semmence

Tan Cars

Toilets + Ltd

Wymondham Lions Club

Wymondham Town Council

Wymondham Town Football Club

Wymondham Town Team




Bright Yellow Marketing

Fosters Solicitors LLP

Geo. R. Reeve Ltd

Grant Matthewson

The Green Dragon

Hansells Solicitors & Financial Advisers

Jarrold Wymondham

ML Financial Associates

Money Properties

Number Twenty Four

Poppa John Ltd

The Queens Head

Reno Whole Foods / Reno WIne

RJL Financial Advisers

Spire Solicitor

The Green Self Storage Company

Wymondham Garden Centre



Douglas Beattie

Judith Beckett

Ann Bennett

Pat Billings

Judyth Blaxill

Anna & Dirk Bouwens

Chris & Caroline Brown

Christine Buckton

John & Dianne Capocci

Adrienne & Tony Cleary

Bob Coe & Moniza Alvi

Eric Couzens

Richard & Moira Dean

Claire Dixon

Kay & Geoffrey Dorling

Bernard & Cynthia Douglass

Richard & Caroline Elliott

Patrick Faircliffe

Liz Fletcher

Minn & Richard Fowle

Julian & Daphne Gillett

John & Katherine Gray

Jane Hardy

Tony & Liz Harmer

Roger & Mary Harris

Judy & John Hawkins

Roy & Susan Headland

Harry Hemstock & Joan Welsby

Terry & Margaret Hickman Smith

Richard & Sarah Holland

Julian & Shirley Holt

Andrew & Jo Howell

Michael & Mary Hudson

Gill Jeffery

Barry & Anne Johnson

John Lakin

Jennifer Lysons

Helen McClean

Brian Mondin & Penny Howard

Catherine & Joe Mooney

Hugh Morgan

David & Marion O’Connor

Sandra & David Pennell

Christine & Mark Phillips

Sylvia Powell

David & Diana Ralphs

Barbara & Brian Randall

Bridget Reynolds

Philip & Anita Richardson

Ann Rostron & Tony Fielder

John & Lynn Rutherford

Mary & Norman Saunders

Godfrey D Smith

Robert Smith

Sandra Stutely

Bob & Mary Sullivan

Doug Underwood

Tony & Georgette Vale

David & Denise Walker

Colin Willis

John & Kate Wood





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