21/03/2020 @ 19:30
Wymondham Abbey
Church St
Wymondham NR18 0PH
£12 advance booking. £14 on the door Friends £10. Children under 18 free.
Here is a message from the organisers of this event Wymondham Symphony Orchestra
It is with great regret that due to concerns about the ongoing Covid-19 virus pandemic, our upcoming concerts on Saturday 21st March and 4th July have now been CANCELLED.
Tickets already purchased will be fully refunded.
If you paid for your tickets online, you will be refunded automatically within the next 7 working days. Those who have paid cheques will also be refunded.
Any queries regarding refunds, please call Paul Chambers on 01379 642909 or on pchambers64@icloud.com
Wymondham Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert
Saturday March 21st, Wymondham Abbey at 7.30pm.
‘Classical Giants. Beethoven and Brahms’
Not one but two brilliant soloists feature in Brahms’ last orchestral work. Another of this great concerto’s attraction is its ‘vast and sweeping humour’ (Tovey). Either side of this we celebrate the 250th Anniversary of Beethoven’s birth with two popular works from Beethoven’s middle period: his powerful and expressive overture ‘Egmont’ to the incidental music to Goethe’s play, and his majestic Symphony No 3, originally dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte, but dramatically changed to the ‘Heroic’ after the Frenchman declared himself emperor.
or from Paul Chambers 01379-642909
or from Puffs Toy Shop Wymondham.
£12 advance booking. £14 on the door
Friends £10. Children under 18 free.